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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Thermochemical fluids in greenhouse farming

Descripción del proyecto

Mejora de la eficacia energética en los invernaderos

El cultivo de invernadero y los sistemas de recuperación de agua con un elevado uso de energía necesitan nuevas aplicaciones innovadoras para reducir su consumo de energía. El proyecto TheGreefa, financiado con fondos europeos, propone una nueva tecnología para calentar, enfriar, controlar la humedad atmosférica y recuperar agua en invernaderos, así como para secar productos agrícolas empleando principios de conversión termoquímica (fluidos desecantes). Estos fluidos absorben el vapor de agua del aire y convierten el calor latente en calor sensible. La fuerza motora necesaria para estos procesos es el calor de baja temperatura, como el calor solar o el calor residual. Los fluidos almacenan y transportan potencial termoquímico sin degeneración alguna: la tecnología proporciona almacenamiento y transporte sin pérdidas. El proyecto seguirá desarrollando la nueva tecnología y la demostrará mediante pruebas en distintas condiciones climáticas europeas.


This project is aimed at a new technology for heating, cooling, air humidity control and water recovery in greenhouses as well as for drying of agricultural goods using thermo-chemical conversion principles based on the use of salt solutions (thermochemical fluids). The common effect in all applications is the hygroscopic property of thermochemical fluids, allowing an uptake of water vapor from air thus releasing sensible heat involved in the phase change. The technology allows to (1) use unexplored potentials of solar- and residual heat at farm level, (2) to convert and to store the heat into thermochemical potential without thermal losses and (3) to use the potential through re-conversion of the potential into heat within the above-mentioned applications. Within two different demonstrators in Central European Climate (heating) and Mediterranean Climate (cooling, water recovery and desalination) the technology will be tested, further developed and disseminated. Lab tests will explore the processes and materials involved, will include tests on material drying and on interactions between different applications. Development of improved knowledge on modelling of the involved processes, the simulation and control of specific applications and the development of control strategies are further tasks to provide a bright insight into the novel approach. Strategies to bring the technology to market will be developed. Thermochemical applications in agriculture have the potential to significantly reduce the energy consumption in greenhouse climate control as well as in crop drying and will provide an alternative to energy intensive water desalination in arid regions. The uptake, conversion and storage of solar heat from greenhouses even provides the perspective to turn protected intensive horticulture from an energy/water consuming to an energy/water producing method, allowing to secure the important market of food production and food processing and to extend it to new regions.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

IA - Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 242 593,75
8401 Winterthur

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Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera Zürich Zürich
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 1 242 593,75

Participantes (11)